Friday, May 18, 2012

Near Gear!

After running two races in my Nikes, I decided that I needed some new shoes. I’ve only been running in my Nikes since February but I needed a slightly wider shoe with a bit more cushioning.



I decided on Brooks Ghost 4. Very comfy and bonus points for the pink.


In June, I’m running the Toronto Pearson Runway Run with a couple of co-workers. I’ve been concerned about hydrating as there’s no water along the course, only at the end. Also, being on a runway, there’s no trees or shade of any kind. I don’t want to wear my fuel belt so I’ve been looking for a hand held water bottle.


I found this one at Winners the other day for $10 so figured I would give it a try.


1 comment:

  1. I have a Simple Hydration water bottle that you stick in the waist band of your shorts/pants/skirt/whatev. I love it! Hope the new shoes work out well!
