Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Yesterday, I went for my first outdoor run of the year. I’ve been craving a run but I don’t want to run on ice (I don’t like walking ice so running on ice = no way) so I’ve taken the last 3 months off.
I just wanted to see where I’m at. So I didn’t plan any set run/walk intervals, didn’t worry about my pace. I just set my nike+ for 5K and went.
Happy to say I maintained a 8min/km pace and finished 5K in 40 minutes which is where all 3 of last year’s races were.
So the bad news – I didn’t improve at all in 2010.
The good news – I haven’t gotten worse after 3 months of no running. I really think my intense Turbo Fire workouts have helped.
Little sore around the hips and shins today. I guess my body needs to get used to running again.
I’m trying to figure out how to incorporate running with my turbo fire schedule. I’m in week 7 of 12. I was supposed to do Fire 55 EZ which is a 55 minute rather intense workout but I got 15 minutes in and my body wasn’t having it. My shins hurt, the bottom of my feet hurt, my knees. I really wanted to do the video (I love it!) but my body said no. Rather than pushing through it and possibly injuring myself, I turned it off and did a toning video instead.
I want to run 3 times a week, do yoga once a week, strength training and turbo fire. Unfortunately, I also need to work full time, sleep and give my body a rest once in a while.
I’ll have to think on this.


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